Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bill Peet, Author and Illustrator of Childrens Books

As well known as Bill Peet became for his childrens books, Peet was even more well known for his work at Walt Disney Studios as an animator and writer for major Disney movies. Its not often that a person achieves national recognition in two careers but such was the case with Bill Peet who truly was a man of many talents. Early Life of Bill Peet Bill Peet was born William Bartlett Peed (later changing his last name to Peet)  on January 29, 1915, in rural Indiana. He grew up in Indianapolis and from childhood on was always drawing. In fact, Peet often got in trouble for doodling in school, but one teacher encouraged him, and his interest in art continued. He received his art education through an art scholarship to John Herron Art Institute, which is now a part of Indiana University. Career at Disney In 1937, when he was 22 years old, Bill Peet began working for Walt Disney Studios and shortly thereafter married Margaret Brunst. Despite clashes with Walt Disney, Peet stayed at  Walt Disney Studios for 27 years. While he started as an animator, Peet quickly became known for his ability to develop a story, having honed his storytelling abilities telling nightly stories to his two sons. Bill Peet worked on such animated classics as Fantasia, Song of the South, Cinderella, The Jungle Book. 101 Dalmatians, The Sword in the Stone and other Disney movies. While still working at Disney, Peet began writing childrens books. His first book was published in 1959. Unhappy with the way Walt Disney treated his employees, Peet finally left Disney Studios in 1964 to become a full-time writer of childrens books. Childrens Books by Bill Peet Bill Peets illustrations were at the heart of his stories. Even his autobiography for children is illustrated. Peets love for animals and his sense of the ridiculous, coupled with a concern for the environment and for the feelings of others, make his books effective on several levels: as enjoyable stories and as gentle lessons on caring for the earth and getting along with one another. His clever illustrations, in pen and ink and colored pencil, often feature funny looking imaginary animals, like the wumps, the kweeks and the fandangos. Many of Peets 35 books are still available at public libraries and bookstores. A number of his books are award winners. His own story, Bill Peet: An Autobiography, was designated a Caldecott Honor book in 1990 in recognition of the quality of Peets illustrations. While most of Peets books are picture books, Capyboppy is designed for intermediate readers and is 62 pages long. This entertaining book is the true story of the capybara who lived with Bill and Margaret Peet and their children. We discovered the book, which has black and white drawings on every page, just at the time our local zoo acquired a capybarra and that gave it a good deal of extra meaning for us. Other childrens books by Bill Peet include The Wump World, Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent, The Wingdingdilly, Chester, The Worldly Pig, The Caboose Who Got Loose, How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head and his last book, Cock-a-Doodle Dudley. Bill Peet died on May 11, 2002, at home in Studio City, California at the age of 87. However, his artistry lives on in his movies and his many childrens books that have sold millions and continue to be enjoyed by children in the United States and many other countries. Sources Homepage for Bill PeetIMDb: Bill PeetNash, Eric P. â€Å"Bill Peet, 87, Disney Artist And Childrens Book Author.†Ã‚  The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 May 2002.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Nursing Theory And Cultural Awareness Theory - 897 Words

As race and cultural awareness has been a prevalent issue throughout time, it has been a pressing issue in the healthcare industry as well, specifically in regards to nursing. Nurses have close and constant contact with the patients, working to protect them, provide treatment for them, and advocate for them both individually and with their families (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2010). Nursing theory is defined as an understanding of the various parts of nursing that relate to and describe nursing care. It provides a basis for comprehending the patient’s wishes for their healthcare in regards to their culture, race, heritage, etc. Fully grasping nursing theory allows healthcare providers to treat patients as best they can and to successfully communicate with their patients. Developed by Madeleine Leininger, the Culture Care Theory encompasses both nursing theory and cultural awareness theory. Her theory promotes both complete, unrestricted care, the ideal at the forefront of nursing practice, necessary for full and successful recovery (Potter, Perry, Stockert, Hall, 2013). Leininger began her education in 1948 acquiring her nursing diploma. Soon after, she obtained a Bachelor’s in nursing and a Master’s in mental and psychiatric nursing. In 1965, Leininger pursued a PhD in social and cultural anthropology, inspired by her experience working as a nurse at a child guidance home. There, she was shocked yet intrigued by the patterned behavioral problems of the children,Show MoreRelatedHow Culture Affects Nursing Care And The Way Humans Care For Themselves946 Words   |  4 Pagespresented a general theory statement in 1985, â€Å"with the theory, I predict that different cultures perceive, know, and practice care in different ways, yet there are some commonalities about care among all the cultures in the world (Reynolds Leininger, pg 11).† Leininger states the theory can help to show how culture affects nursing care and the way h umans care for themselves. Leininger holds to the idea that care is the central concept for nursing theory and research. The theory has many assumptiveRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing947 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal Philosophy of Nursing and Application of Nursing Theory My personal philosophy of nursing encompasses three major tenets; compassion, empathy and, patient education. 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West Virginia is commonly referred to as the fattest state in the country. Along with Mississippi, it ranks number one for obesityRead MoreThe Culture Diversity Theory For Nursing Essay1483 Words   |  6 PagesCulture diversity theory Providing culturally competent nursing care begins with having basic principle knowledge and effective training us a nursing student. Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality defines nursing as a learned scientific and humanistic profession that focuses on patient care, experiences and creative thinking relevant to nursing and health care system. As nurse student in today’s society you will come in contact with a lot of cultural differences, butRead MoreMy Identity As A New Zealand Nurse Essay1551 Words   |  7 PagesZealand Nurse Today’s New Zealand society is commonly described as bi-cultural or multi-cultural according to the Treaty of Waitangi-based social structure and immigrants from all over the world. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The It Industries Contribution To Virtually Every Major Global Industry Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2132 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Information technology plays an integral part of virtually every major global industry, which has emerged as a prime global source of growth and employment. IT industry has become one of the most vigorous industries in the world due to increased productivity worldwide, especially in the developed countries. Owing to its extensiveness and easy accessibility as well as wide range of IT products available, the demand for IT services has become persistent both from consumers and businesses, contributing to this sectors rapid growth. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The It Industries Contribution To Virtually Every Major Global Industry Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Both software development and the hardware involved in the IT industry include everything from computer systems, to the design, implementation, study and development of IT and management systems. Unlike other common industries, the IT sector is knowledge based. The IT industry assists other sectors in the growth process of the economy including the services and manufacturing sectors. This report will concentrate on two potential competitors in the personal computer industry, Hewlett-Packard and Dell Inc. Hewlett-Packard is a global technology company, ranking 20 in the Fortune 500 list. Company has set up business in over 170 countries either developing or under-developed. The company is also taking an active role in increasing the volumes of sales in new markets worldwide, engaging with other multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations to reinforce the competitiveness on the local market and on international arena through policies and strategies that can supp ort free-market economies. This is one of the reasons that makes HP a leading technology company in the growing IT markets (HP Annual Report, 2003). Dell Inc. tenders a variety of product categories including desktop PCs. Dell listens to customers and sells its products directly to customers through sales representatives, telephone based sales and via range of indirect sales channels. Dell can boast as number one supplier of PC systems in the US, and number two worldwide. Primary business strategy that Dell employs explicitly focuses on customer model, highly efficient manufacturing and logistics as well as relevant technologies and solutions. By expanding this strategy through adding new distribution channels, Dell intends to acquire more commercial customers all over the globe. (Dell Annual Report,2008) Industry Analysis Number of Companies within the Industry: Dell The worlds leading direct-sale computer retailer provides a wide range of computer and entertainment products for consumers and enterprise markets. HP HPs Personal Systems Group (PSG) markets desktop and notebook PCs to consumer, businesses, government agencies, and schools. Toshiba was the worlds fifth largest personal computer vendor in 2009 Apple Once the worlds top PC maker, Apple Computer has been relegated to niche status in a market dominated by Wintel machines (computers using Microsoft Windows software and Intel processors). Scale Economies: There are two distinct economies operating between the actual company and the markets along with most giant enterprises. The distinct economies are divided into internal and external. Internal: Tech Economy, Managerial Economy, Financial Economy, Marketing Economy, Research Development External: These features of scale economies involve distribution centres and retailers. For instance, Sony, HP or Apple fabricate computers, whereas retailers organize computer deliveries to the consumer. Dell is an exception, which has surpassed in the practice of delivering computers right to the door of their customers home. Learning Experience Effect: The maturity of computer industry has achieved and is likely to be further sustained, owing to the fact that in most developed countries computers can be found in virtually all homes with connection to the internet. Whats more, students all over the world are taught in schools how to operate computers and competency is set to increase. However, there are still those who find it hard to adapt to new applications and manage with basic operations such as installing drivers or simply connecting a monitor. Support is considered to be the most common complaint among customers in the industry. Dell is again an exception. It receives great rewards form highly efficient customer service relationship. Nevertheless, the complaints are few due to the reliability of personal computers. Capital Requirements: The owners equity required to embark and compete with already recognized names in the computer industry is outrageous. A single fact of HP spending 3.9 billion dollars on research and development last year alone suggests that a person thinks twice about engaging in the industry. Recent applications and innovations have been introduced by the huge companies; do not leave a chance to new-comers to compete. On top of that, powerful brand name products that are manufactured by Dell, HP and Apple have become truly accepted by many households. Nevertheless, being technologically savvy and having an ability to create sorts of unique features can help an individual to sell the ideas to the existing large companies. This might be the most appropriate situation for those who seek profits from the PC business. Industry Profitability: The fact remains that the PC industry doesnt produce only PCs. Every company that creates PCs also has its hand in other industries and markets. An important question to ask is how profitable is the industry. And the answer is billions upon billions upon billions of dollars. The industry is constantly redefining itself as well as every other business on the world due to its deep routes within every industry. As for what company ranks the highest in profit at the moment is Apple, but the numbers are skewed due to other hardware Apple provides. The industry is extremely competitive and profitable. Forces: Suppliers Intel and Microsoft are the two most dominate suppliers in the PC industry. Suppliers: Intels microprocessor chips are used in approximately 80% of personal computers. Microsoft operating systems are used in 90% of computers, giving it substantial bargaining power. Given that Microsoft and Intel control the majority of the PC supplier market of major component parts, the business world has named the two Wintel. Buyers: The strength of the PC buyer has basically evolved from the personal computer becoming a commodity-like item. Backward integration is also a factor in the strengthening of the PC buyers bargaining Power because more and more people are building their own computer systems. Rivalry Among Existing Firms: The competition in the personal computer industry is also an industry that resembles follow the leader. Follow the leader occurs when industry leaders are imitated by competitors; and those competitors that do not follow will fall off by the wayside. Price Wars: Ex. In 1999 the average PC cost $ 1,699. Now the average price of a PC is under a thousand dollars. Threat of New Entrants/Stakeholders The chances of a new PC vendor entering into the market and gaining significant market share is pretty slim, entry barriers are higher now than they ever have been. Two of those entry barriers that are making entry into the PC market so tough are cost and distribution. Concentrated: it is estimated by analysts that in the near future the top 5 vendors may control 70% of the global personal computer market. 5. Stakeholders: Environmentalists and E-waste are the major stakeholders for the PC industry; the dumping of high-tech trash like computers in landfills. Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Dell have recently started up a computer recycle program, recycling in all computer brands for a small fee Competitor Analysis of PC Manufacturers: Dell Inc: Risk factors: There are a host of risk factors that impact adversely on the business. The following are defined as some of the most important ones: Deterioration in global economic situation and financial markets insecurity could harm the business and lead to reduced net revenue and profitability. Deterioration in global economic situation and financial markets insecurity could harm financial services activities. The strong competition which is faced may have negative impact on the market share, profitability and revenue. Weakening in infrastructure failures and breaches in data security could deteriorate the business. Failure of effective product management and services transitions could result in reduced demand for the products and the profitability of operations. Net Revenue: Net revenue remained flat year-over-year at $61.1 billion. During Fiscal 2009, the global commercial revenue decreased by 2% year-over-year while unit shipment remained flat over the second half of Fiscal 2009. Operating income: Operating income declined by 7% to $3.2 billion in 2009. The decrease was particularly caused by a shift in product mix that ended in lower selling prices. Net Income: For the year 2009, net income went down 16% to reach $2.5 billion. This was affected by a 7% fall in operating income, a 65% in investment and other income, and a rise in effective tax rate from 23.0% to 25.4% Gross Margin: January 30, 2009 February 1, 2008 Dollars Revenue Change Dollars Revenue Change (in millions, except percentages) Net revenue $61.101 100% (0%) $61.133 100% 6% Gross margin $10.957 17.9% (6%) $11.671 19.1% 23% Source: Dell Annual Report (2009) Hewlett-Packard: Net Revenue: The components of the weighted net revenue change between 2008 and 2009 were as follows: Net revenue of $114.6 billion in 2009 2009 2008 Percentage Points Personal Systems Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5.9) 5.6 Imaging and Printing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4.7) 1.0 Enterprise Storage and Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3.4) 0.7 HP Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0.6) 0.6 Corporate Investments/Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0.2) (0.2) HP Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6 5.4 Total HP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3.2) 13.5 Source: HP Annual Report (2009) GAAP operating profit of $10.1 billion GAAP diluted earnings per share of $3.14 Gross Margin: Total gross margin of the company declined by 0.6 percentage points in 2009 compared to 2008. On a weighted basis, ESS had the biggest impact to the total gross margin decline. Apple: Net Sales: increased $4.1 billion or 12% in 2009 compared to 2008. The following factors contributed positively to this increase: 1. This growth is attributed mainly to augmented distribution and strong demand for iPhones. iPhone revenue together with net sales of related products and services made up $6.8 billion in 2009 (a rise of $4.9 billion or 266% compared with the previous year) 2. Net sales of other music-related products and services went up $696 million or 21% over 2009 compared to 2008. 3. Net sales of Mac plunged 3% during 2009 as opposed to 2008, though Mac unit sales rose by 7% over the same period. Net sales per Mac unit sold went down by 10% during 2009, mainly owing to lower average selling prices across all Mac portable and desktop systems and a stronger U.S. dollar. Net sales of Macs comprised 38% of the Companys total net sales for 2009. 4. iPod net sales declined $1.1 billion or 12% in 2009. iPod unit sales went down slightly by 1%, while net sales per iPod unit sold decreased 11% to $149. Gross margin: The gross margin percentage rose by 1.7% between 2008 and 2009 (34.3% against 36.0% respectively). The primary drivers of the increase in 2009 were considerably lower commodity and other product costs. 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100 Average Share capital + Long-term loans Net Profit Margin NPM = Net profit before interest and taxation x 100 Sales Gross Profit Margin GPM = Gross profit x 100 Sales EFFECIENCY: Average Inventory Turnover Period Inventory turnover period = Average inventory held x 365 Cost of sales Average Settlement Period for Accounts receivable (debtors) Average settlement period = Average trade debtors x 365 Credit sales Average Settlement Period for Accounts Payable (creditors) Average settlement period = Average trade creditors x 365 Credit purchases Asset Turnover Period Average asset turnover period = Average total assets employed x 365 Sales LIQUIDITY: Current Ratio Current ratio = Current assets Current liabilities Acid Test or Quick Ratio Acid test or Quick ratio = Current assets (excluding inventory and prepayments) Current liabilities Cash Flows from Operations Ratio Cash flows from operations ratio = Operating cash flows Current liabilities FINANCIAL GEARING (LEVERAGE): Gearing Ratio Gearing ratio = Long-term liabilities x 100 Share capital + Reserves + Long-term liabilities Interest Cover Ratio (times interest earned) Interest cover ratio = Profit before interest and taxation Interest expense DELL Inc.: Financial Year 2009 Profitability Ratio FY 2009 Return on Shareholders Fund 61.9% Return on Total Assets 11.8% Return on Capital Employed 62.1% Net Profit Margin 5.2% Gross Profit Margin 17.9% Efficiency Ratio Average Inventory Turnover Period 7 days (to nearest day) Average Settlement Period for Accounts Receivable 32 days (to nearest day) Average Settlement Period for Accounts Payable 465 days (to nearest day) Asset Turnover Period 161 days (to nearest day) Liquidity Ratio Current Ratio 1.3 times Quick Ratio 1.2 times Cash Flow from Operations Ratio 0.1 times Financial Gearing Gearing Ratio 63.3% Interest Cover Ratio   23.8 times HEWLETT PACKARD Co.: Financial Year 2009 Prodigality Ratio FY 2009 Return on Shareholders Fund 19.2% Return on Total Assets 8.8% Return on Capital Employed 20% Net Profit Margin 8.8% Gross Profit Margin 23.8% Efficiency Ratio Average Inventory Turnover Period 59 days (to nearest day) Average Settlement Period for Accounts Receivable 53 days (to nearest day) Average Settlement Period for Accounts Payable 52 days (to nearest day) Asset Turnover Period 363 days (to nearest day) Liquidity Ratio Current Ratio 1.2 times Quick Ratio 1 times Cash Flow from Operations Ratio 0.3 times Financial Gearing Gearing Ratio 43.5% Interest Cover Ratio 14 times References:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Abraham Lincoln, A Visionary And Ethical Leader - 2427 Words

Abraham Lincoln, a Visionary and Ethical Leader MSgt Robert Miller Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy Abraham Lincoln, a Visionary and Ethical Leader Have you ever been in a work center that was fundamentally divided? How did you handle it? Abraham Lincoln was a visionary and ethical leader when our country was critically divided by the issues of states’ rights and slavery. In this paper, I will show how Lincoln used critical thinking to determine the root cause of that division, how his vision cemented the nation by a common cause through fundamental changes to the constitution, and how his compassion and prudence inspired loyalty among those who fought for union. I will also relate how the concepts behind Lincoln’s leadership behaviors apply to me today. Visionary Leader In one of our nation’s darkest times, Abraham Lincoln displayed visionary leadership by using change management principles and vision to reforge a sundered nation. Between his election and inauguration in 1860, 7 states had seceded from the union under the auspices that the states should have the right to govern themselves regarding slavery (Goodwin, 2005, p. 293). In the Change Management lesson, we are taught to assess your organization’s ability to handle the change (Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCEE], 2015d, p. 21). And are advised to ask, Are there sections and people that might struggle with the change (BCEE] 2015d, p. 21)? Lincoln personally hatedShow MoreRelatedAbraham Lincoln : A Visionary And Ethical Leader1834 Words   |  8 PagesAmerican historians have portrayed Abraham Lincoln as a visionary and ethical leader. Indeed, his opposition to slavery and push for emancipation perhaps made him the statesman best suited to lead the nation during its most tragic time in history. No other U.S. President had ever, or has since, faced the dilemma of leading the country in the midst of an intense Civil War. The purpose of this essay is to show how Lincoln was both a visionary and ethical leader and why that is relevant to me. FirstRead MoreSynthesis Essay - Abraham Lincoln. As A Leader, Do You1712 Words   |  7 PagesSynthesis Essay - Abraham Lincoln As a leader, do you feel as though you could unite subordinates, units, organizations, or even a nation? Abraham Lincoln faced the task of reunifying a nation, even during a time of civil war. He was a visionary leader through the war as his actions advocated intellectual stimulation through change management leading to decisions that shaped innovative efforts within the United States Air Force (USAF) today. Additionally, Lincoln was an ethical leader, not for theRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln Essay1547 Words   |  7 PagesAbraham Lincoln When you think of a past president, what exactly do you think? Do you think about what made them a great president or what made them a not so great president? In the eyes of many, Abraham Lincoln our 16th President was considered one of our greatest presidents. During Lincoln’s presidential era, slavery was alive and thriving as a successful business. Lincoln didn’t completely have the same feelings as others about slavery; he viewed slaves as people and not by the color of theirRead MorePresident Lincoln As A Visionary Leader1197 Words   |  5 PagesAbraham Lincoln Imagine how the state of the world will be today without the leadership of the United States of America to police the world. Think about Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s regime, Libya during Arafat’s regime and the behaviors like Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Had it not been the vision of Abraham Lincoln to preserve the Union, there would not have been a strong unified United States today. President Abraham Lincoln was a visionary leader and an ethical leader when leadingRead MoreLincoln : A Visionary And Ethical Leader Essay1752 Words   |  8 PagesIn 1865, Abraham stood to deliver his Second Inaugural Address facing a population weary from war, divided by slavery, and in desperate need of a vision. In this moment, Lincoln stated â€Å"with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations† (Yale L aw School, 2008). In these words, Lincoln articulates an ethical and optimistic vision for allRead MoreVisionary Leader And Ethical Leader1559 Words   |  7 Pages Visionary Leader / Ethical Leader Synthesis Essay MSgt John C. Filbert United States Air Force Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy Instructor: MSgt Jennifer Johnson, 6 Sep 2014 â€Æ' â€Å"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal† (Lincoln 1863). Most Americans recognize the Gettysburg address and our minds recall Abraham Lincoln, a master of diction and a stellarRead MoreAnalysis Of Clara Barton s The American Red Cross 1486 Words   |  6 Pageshumanitarian. Clara not only did what was right but encouraged and inspired others to do the same. She was without a doubt a visionary and ethical leader. First this essay will enlighten on how Clara effectively utilized Full Range Leadership and Diversity principles to make her footprint, then it describe how her leadership is personally relevant to me. Visionary Leader Clara Barton was persistent and did not give up at the first sign of adversity. Clara Barton dedicated her life to the serviceRead MoreMax Webers Iron Cage For Bureaucracy1521 Words   |  7 Pageshis or her power to benefit only a certain group of elites (Morgan, 2006). A charismatic leader has the talent through formal authority to drive their members into performing. According to Morgan (2006), proclaimed, â€Å"a hero figure may acquire immense charismatic power that allows that person to control and direct others as he or she wishes† (p. 168). Abraham Lincoln is example of a charismatic leader during his time in office while speaking to troops or from the gathering of crowds during generalRead MoreEffective Leadership in a School Setting2223 Words   |  9 Pages Abstract Effective leaders have the ability to learn from the past and able to integrate it within the present setting. The goal of this paper is to analyze the topic of leadership in school settings in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. Effective Leadership Introduction Leadership is considered to be a way of making an influence on other individuals in order to accomplish certain goals and objectives. Leaders have the ability to manageRead MoreTransactional and Transformational Leadership2111 Words   |  9 Pagesleadership between leaders and followers was first developed by James McGregor Burns in 1978. He distinguishes between leaders who are, or attempt to be ethical and moral, and power wielders, who are not. In an essay 20 years later, Burns returns to this idea, arguing that: - ï  ¶ Transactional leaders, through their transactions, make use of modal values such as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, reciprocity, [and] accountability. They do not possess these leader characteristics, nor

Geological Hazard Free Essays

Geological Hazards are naturally occurring or man-made geologic conditions capable of causing injuries or other health impacts, loss of property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. It had been divided into many types. The two main types of man-made geological hazards are collapsing of buildings and forest fire which happening recently. We will write a custom essay sample on Geological Hazard or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now, I’m going to talk about the collapsing of buildings first. The structure of a building actually is fundamental to ensuring the safety of people in or around the existing buildings. However, human’s ignorance, negligence and greed lead to building collapse. Human ignorance has to do with when incompetent personnel are in charge of design, construction or inspection. One of the major areas of negligence is in specification writing where that of a past project is adopted without crosschecking those areas that need improvement, addition or omission. Greed on the part of building contractors like diversion of building materials, cement in particular, the use of sub- standard materials so as to achieve high profit. Moreover, foundation problems, quality management, material and testing variability and unprofessional conduct will also leads to building collapse. The effect of building collapse are the innocent citizens lost their life, many other people has been rendered permanent disable in one form or the other as a result of increasing rate of building collapse in the country. Economic problem of this incidence is immeasurable in that many have been rendered homeless with loss of countless properties. Here is the true incident which happens in Bangladesh when 24 April 2013. At least 76 garment workers have been confirmed dead in Bangladesh after an eight-story building containing clothing manufacturing units collapsed. Moreover, this is another true incident collapse of a 20-metre lighting arrester pole from the UMNO building in Jalan Macalister during a storm and caused casualties is the best example of fallen misfortune which happen on 15 June, 2013 at Penang. It is a man-made disaster, instead of a natural disaster or accident. And a person had been killed in this incident. The other man-made geographical hazard is forest fire. Forests are important to us and our environment, their benefits cannot be measured. Without forests humans cannot survive. Fires can have a positive or negative effect on forests; and its impact on forest health and dynamic change greatly in different ecosystems. Fires are sometimes essential for forest regeneration but also harmful if it is repeated systematically in the same area. Forest fires have terrible environmental, social and economic consequences. The causes of forest fire are including drought, human carelessness, lightning, heat waves, slash and burn farming. The most common cause nowadays is probably due to drought. Tropical forests are quite sensitive to temperature change, thus long dry seasons and higher temperatures can severely damage a healthy forest and leads to forest fire. The next common cause is probably lightning and the last major cause of forest fires is to open oil palm plantation for own benefits. The main consequence of forest fire will be releasing of carbon dioxide which will affect our health and it increases the atmospheric pollution. Furthermore, an increase in carbon dioxide means an increase in global warming. When global warming rise the â€Å"Greenhouse† phenomenon will being increases also. Other than that, shelter for animals is not provided anymore. Animals are immediately affected when they are killed at the duration of fire and indirectly when no more food is available. Lastly, the forest products will be destroyed, such as wood, food and medicines. Recently, smoke from forest fires in Indonesia has choked neighboring Singapore and Malaysia, prompting Singaporean officials to press Jakarta for urgent action against the haze that has pushed the city-state’s air pollution to the worst level in 16 years. Its main air pollution index hit a measurement of 401 at midday Friday, exceeding previous highs of 371 on Thursday and 321 on Wednesday. Those measurements were classified as â€Å"hazardous† and can aggravate respiratory ailments. The reason why the firm burn the forest is to open oil palm plantation for own benefits but they didn’t consider for other. How to cite Geological Hazard, Papers

Description of Power Bank Smartphone and Tablet

Question: Describe about the Description of Power Bank for Smartphone and Tablet. Answer: Introduction Power Banks are the portable devices that help in charging the Smartphone and Tablet devices by using the USB ports with the help of inbuilt batteries of the device (Wong, 2013). The power banks consist of Lithium (ion or polymer) batteries cased in a protective structure with PCB (printed circuit boards) for charging the devices. The capacity of the power banks are measured by multiplying the milli Ampere hour and voltage. Overview of the Power Banks Development of Power Bank: The power banks have come a long way of development and the development has been a result of growth of its uses (Hou et al., 2013). The general purpose of the power banks are acting as a subsidiary charge point for the Smartphone and Tablets in absence of electric power point. The power banks have modified from battery phone case to solar charged power bank to universal power banks. Now-a-days the power banks provide multiple ports, compact designs, and automatic detection of input for the devices. Figure 1: Development of Power Banks (Source: Hou et al., 2013, pp-211) Design of Power Bank: The operational diagram and circuit diagrams of the Power banks are, Figure 2: Operational diagram of Power Banks (Source: Moo et al., 2014, pp-1797) Figure 3: Circuit diagram of Power Banks (Source: Yu et al., 2013, pp-452) The architecture of power banks shows a compact size design with smaller Printed Circuit Board for accommodating larger battery in the design (Wong, 2013). It would help in getting more power rating for the device and lower costs for the design. The reliability of the power banks can be improved with the help of smaller system BOM. It has integrated safety features that would help to protect the device from over voltage and over temperature. The input of the devices can be automatically detected by the power banks. Key Specifications of Power Banks: The key specifications of the power banks are, Dedicated Single chip (minimal component count for mobile power supply) Discharge Efficiency and High Charge Constant Programmable O/P current (Moo et al., 2014) Less than 10 micro ampere low battery leakage Need of Power Bank: The use of power bank provides the benefits of portability, subsidiary power, quality, and capacity (Mokrani, Rekioua Rekioua, 2014). The most important need of power banks are for providing the subsidiary power to the mobile and tablet devices. The growth of Smartphone has provided it with a number of functions such as photography, web surfing, using social sites, playing games, and emails. Hence it has given rise to the issue of fast battery draining. The users can charge their phone using the power banks and USB cable (Lin et al., 2013). The portability of the power bank also helps in providing the benefit of using the device and charging the phones and tablets at any place. The power banks use a technology that store the power in its battery cells for charging the devices at required times. The quality of the power banks would also help in charging the devices quickly without harming it (Yu et al., 2013). The good quality of the power banks would help in keeping intact the devic e and charge it in less time. Pros and Cons of Power Bank: The power banks have some pros and cons of their uses just like any other electronic devices. The pros of using the power banks are, Can charge the phone and tablet devices even in shortage of power or load shedding Provides remote charging hub that can be used at any place such as malls, on road, in bus, or caf Easy to use function of the power banks, just connect the device with the power bank using the USB cable and switch on the device (Maleki Pourfayaz, 2015) Charge the device easily and quickly that can be beneficial at times of urgency Devices can be charged even twice or thrice using the same power bank without charging the power bank again Power banks can be charged by using the laptop too as it is charged using USB cable Power Banks have compact designs that are convenient for carrying around. The cons of using the power banks are, Continuous charging using power bank might damage the battery of the device Some people might use the power banks even when their phones are not completely drained, it would affect the power retaining capacity of the device (Ma, Serrano Mohammed, 2014) Good quality power banks are expensive to buy Some power banks lack the feature of automatic input power detection and supply high power for charging the devices (Lin et al., 2013). It would also harm the Smartphone and Tablet devices It is very tricky for using the device with power banks connected to it. Power Bank Charging Formula: The number of times the power bank can charge the device can be calculated by using a formula (Mokrani, Rekioua Rekioua, 2014). Considering 1500 (mAh) device capacity, 80% device depletion, 90% efficiency, and 6000 power bank rating (mAh) the number of times the power bank can be used for charging the device can be calculated as, Number of times (n) = Power Bank Rating (mAh) * Device Depletion * Efficiency / Device Capacity (mAh) N = (6000 * 0.8 * 0.9) / 1500 N = 2.88 Hence the power banks can be used for charging the device of 1500mAh battery capacity for 2 complete times and 88% in the third time. Conclusion Hence it can be concluded that the power banks have modified from battery phone case to solar charged power bank to universal power banks with multiple ports, compact designs, and automatic detection of input. The power bank helps in providing the subsidiary power to the mobile and tablet devices, dealing with the issues of fast battery draining, providing the portability of operations, charging the devices quickly, and keeping intact the device. References Hou, C. H., Yen, C. T., Wu, T. H., Moo, C. S. (2013, April). A battery power bank of serial battery power modules with buck-boost converters. InPower Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on(pp. 211-216). IEEE. Lin, K. H., Yu, L. R., Moo, C. S., Juan, C. Y. (2013, April). Analysis on parallel operation of boost-type battery power modules. InPower Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on(pp. 809-813). IEEE. Ma, T., Serrano, B., Mohammed, O. (2014, March). Fuzzy logic based power and thermal management system design for multi-cell lithium-ion battery bank protection and operation. InPower Systems Conference (PSC), 2014 Clemson University(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Maleki, A., Pourfayaz, F. (2015). Optimal sizing of autonomous hybrid photovoltaic/wind/battery power system with LPSP technology by using evolutionary algorithms.Solar Energy,115, 471-483. Mokrani, Z., Rekioua, D., Rekioua, T. (2014). Modeling, control and power management of hybrid photovoltaic fuel cells with battery bank supplying electric vehicle.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,39(27), 15178-15187. Moo, C. S., Wu, T. H., Hou, C. H., Hsieh, Y. C. (2014, May). Balanced discharging of power bank with buck-boost battery power modules. In2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014-ECCE ASIA)(pp. 1796-1800). IEEE. Wong, J. (2013).U.S. Patent No. 8,541,985. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Yu, L. R., Hsieh, Y. C., Liu, W. C., Moo, C. S. (2013, July). Balanced discharging for serial battery power modules with boost converters. InSystem Science and Engineering (ICSSE), 2013 International Conference on(pp. 449-453). IEEE.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Kafkas Metamorphosis free essay sample

A discussion on Kafkas Metamorphosis focusing on his emphasis on the metamorphosis of relationships familial and societal. The following paper discusses the way in which Kafka through the character of Gregor Samsa, attempts to resolve his conflicts with a patriarchal and overbearing father, conflicts that plagued him all his life. The writer argues that Franz spent his whole life in his fathers shadow and Metamorphosis thus is argued to be an expression of his relationship with his father. Franzs fathers chronic cruelty is also evident in the guise of Gregor Samsas father. While his mother and sister demonstrate concern and despair, Gregors fathers interaction with his now metamorphosed son are acts that could potentially kill Gregor. The first instance is the initial reaction the father has: he grabs the nearby broom and sweeps Gregor who tumbles back into the room slamming into a wall; the second instance is even more murderous: the father flings apples with the intention of killing this bug (Kafka, p. We will write a custom essay sample on Kafkas Metamorphosis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 122); Gregor manages to evade them all, except one. The apple lies lodged (rotting) in his back; and the resulting injuries may have been the cause of Gregors death. One can imagine Franzs sensitive being always plagued by guilt and conflict. The physical burden of being at the mercy of his fathers cruelty and ridicule, the burden of maintaining the integrity of being himself, and the burden of being like his father. While Franz does succeed in becoming alpha male in the story, it is possible that he did not particularly relish this role he did not derive his identity from his malenes.