Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Sex trafficking in the United states and if the women involved should Research Proposal

Sex trafficking in the United states and if the women involved should be prosecuted or considered victims - Research Proposal Example any of the women that are in the sex trafficking industry are targeted by pimps or recruiters because they seem to be in desperate situations such as being homeless or addicted to drugs, most of the women are suffering from extreme poverty. Once the women are brought into sex trafficking the recruiters have various methods of forcing them to continue. These can include physical violence, threats of violence to family members, threats of exposure and restricting the women’s freedom. (Raymond, Hughes. 7-8) The women that are forced into this life style are most often victims and should not be criminally prosecuted. Some of the women that are involved in sex trafficking do so willingly, mostly in the form of prostitution. One reason that many people oppose this form of sex trafficking is because they feel that it is morally wrong and the women are harmed by doing so (Dempsey. 18) Criminal prosecution of the women that willingly become prostitutes may deter others from becoming prostitutes, it would do nothing to stop unscrupulous people from forcing women into the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

ASSIGN WRITER #4328 - Philosophy Unit - Business & Professional Ethics Essay

ASSIGN WRITER #4328 - Philosophy Unit - Business & Professional Ethics Journal Entries - Essay Example The primary role of an organisation, however, is to maximise profit, this is often best achieved by globalising, and this too is an ethical consideration for them in terms of self interest one. Thus, business imperatives and environmental concerns are often at odds with each other. Domestic household waste is also an environmental hazard yet householders are not penalised for not recycling or for purchasing products with environmentally damaging packaging, why then must there be an obligation for business owners and not wider society? Yet, the current state of the environment is a global concern with scientists only forecasting so many years before we pass the point of no return. Adopting an environmental ethic is a must for organisations but seeking a less damaging approach to globalisation is an alternative to the forced localisation that Norberg- Hodge (2001) is suggesting, which may also be unethical. Globalising businesses should place an onus on reducing carbon emissions but sh ould they have to cease international trade to do so? Childhood obesity has officially reached epidemic proportions but as Michele Simon points out in Government Abandons Children to Big Food (2006) food and beverage companies still refuse to take any social responsibility and curb advertising deliberately aimed at children. There are numerous ways that companies target children, companies deliberately purchase advertising time slots to air advertisements during children’s programming and specifically market to the child. Persistent children then harangue unsuspecting parents; the ethical consideration here is whether or not companies should be permitted to target children. This type of marketing also encourages social divide when parents can not afford or are themselves ethically opposed to the food or beverage being advertised, children who are